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For your convenience, here is a list of all of AJOP’s 2012 sessions for you to choose from:
>> 3 Secrets of Dynamic Speakers
Dr. David Lieberman, Ph.D.
>> The 8 Building Blocks of Community
Rabbi Ilan Feldman
>> Beyond Birthright: Using it as a Stepping Stone for Your Students
Mr. Steve Eisenberg, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
>> Complete Tips & Tricks: A Crash Course
Rabbi Bentzion Klatzko
>> Confidentiality in Law & Halacha
HaRav Dovid Cohen, Dr. David Pelcovitz
>> Connecting Jews to Jewish History, History in Outreach and Inreach: Treasures of the Cairo Genizah
Rabbi Mordechai Becher
>> Counseling Training for Mikarvim: Part I
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski, Rabbi Mordechai Twerski
>> Counseling Training for Mikarvim: Part II
Rabbi Mordechai Twerski
>> Creating a Women’s Movement for Kiruv
Rabbi Yaakov Palatnik, Mrs. Lori Palatnik
>> Defining Our Mission Statement for the Next Decade
Rabbi Sholom Kamenetsky, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
>> Don’t Look Now, We All Need Inspiration
Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein
>> Expanding Your Role as a Mekarev: Learning How to Do Kiruv in the Classroom Part I
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
>> Expanding Your Role as a Mekarev: Learning How to Do Kiruv in the Classroom Part II
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
>> Families with Young Children, Endless Potential
Chairman: Mr. Steve Rosedale;
Speakers: Rabbi Ahron Wasserman, Mrs. Lori Palatnik, Rabbi Danny Kirsch
>> From 3 Families to 100: How We Grew Our JFX Community
Mrs. Ruchi Koval
>> Frum Kids on Campus: A Kiruv Responsibility or Not?
Rabbi Ilan Haber, Rabbi Meir Goldberg
>> Fundraising Seminar
Rabbi Yitz Greenman
>> Half-Shabbos: Not Just Another Crack in the Wall
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Rabbi Yaakov Glasser
>> Hi, My Name is Klal Yisrael, and I’m an Addict: Being Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
Rabbi Hirsh M. Chinn
>> How Rabbi Dave Increased Birthright Enrollment by 1,390% in 4 Years
Rabbi David Felsenthal
>> How Rabbi H. Turned a Common Misconception into a Kiruv Blockbuster
Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff
>> How to Catch & Keep the Interest of Today’s Secular Jews
Mr. Richard Horowitz, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Rabbi Elie Weinstock
>> If Only I Could Share One Lesson…
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski, Mr. Richard Horowitz, Rabbi Steven Burg, Rabbi Menachem Deutsch, Rabbi Danny Kirsch
>> Integration: Feeling Part of a Community is a Make It or Break It Issue
Rabbi Benzion Twerski
>> Market or Die: Part I
Mr. Yaakov Goldman, Rabbi Shlomo Szydlow
>> Market or Die: Part II
Mr. Yaakov Goldman, Rabbi Shlomo Szydlow
>> Now What? Baalei Teshuvah Explain Follow Up Concerns & Issues
Mr. Mark Frankel, Mr. David Linn
>> Opening Up the World of Torah Learning to Baalei Teshuvah
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Mr. Mark Frankel, Mr. David Linn
>> The Power of Women
Mr. Steve Rosedale
>> A Presentation of a Groundbreaking Study on Families of Baalei Teshuvah
Chairman: Mr. Richard Horowitz;
Speakers: Dr. David Pelcovitz, Dr. Judith Cahn
>> Q & A on Study of Baalei Teshuvah Families (Open Forum)
Dr. David Pelcovitz, Dr. Judith Cahn
>> Right Message, Wrong Words
Mr. Steve Eisenberg
>> Secret Weapons: NCSY Alumni
Rabbi David Felsenthal
>> Securing Your Organization for Present and Future Generations
Rabbi Steve Burg
>> Shivisi: The Building Blocks To A Meaningful Relationship With G-d-Constantly
Rabbi Shai Markowitz
>> Study of Baalei Teshuvah Families: For College Workers
Dr. David Pelcovitz
>> Successful Models for Jewish Learning and Community Building
Rabbi Danny Kirsch
>> Successful Models of Campus Recruitment
Rabbi Yanky Schorr, Mr. Keith Rosenblum
>> They Daven Three Times a Day, But Are They Sure Someone’s Listening?
Rabbi Dovid Sapirman
>> The Top Ten Reasons Frum People Are Unhappy with Their Yiddishkeit
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
>> Turning Kiruv Inside Out
Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, Rabbi Benzion Twerski, Rabbi Eli Gewirtz
>> Innovation in the Jewish World: My
Rabbi Eli Gewirtz, Rabbi Yaacov Deyo
>> Innovation in the Jewish World: Unlocking the Door: Women, The Key to the Family
Mr. Steve Rosedale, Mrs. Lori Palatnik, Mrs. Ruchy Koval