Thank you for your interest in working with TFE. We know that you will feel right at home with us. TFE is Israel’s largest group of English-speaking transcribers, a company run by transcribers and for transcribers. We work with transcribers from all religions from all over the world. You just won’t find another company like us. We employ revolutionary methods and technologies to ensure ours and your success in the industry. We are here to help guarantee your success. Please note we are strictly hiring legal and/or general transcribers (not medical) and strictly hire independent contractors (non-employee status).
Please be prepared to sign/scan our standard agreement found below. Please do not test with us if you will not agree to the terms of our contract, so please review that carefully. Best is to scan and e-mail it to us. A good digital picture of a printed copy is also acceptable. You must sign it with a pen. Please note that while the agreement asks for a minimum of 30 audio minutes four times a week, we understand during the earlier phases of your working with us that you might do less audio minutes. That’s perfectly fine.
Once you return to us the below confidentiality agreement we will send you a test packet to assess your skills. This packet will consist of our standard guidelines, a template to work out of and an audio file, of which we will ask you to complete the first 10 audio minutes. Please note it is a legal deposition to be done in a strict verbatim format. We will provide you with detailed feedback which we hope you take positively and in good stride. Since we are a large company who often splits audios between multiple typists, it is important everyone is working the same way so the final combined files are consistently done.
Legal files pay per page (different courts have slightly varying page sizes, but it is typically your standard 25-line Courier New Size 12 page with normal margins and some tabbing for speaker IDs).
Our transcription process is three (or four) pronged; transcribing, editing, compiling (and for some clients the additional stage of proofing). Here is a brief explanation of the process and the pay rate associated with each step. The rates here are per page, but some jobs do pay on a per-audio minute basis. Some jobs also pay a slightly different rate. The varying rates are of course made available to our team and you can choose not to work on particular clients’ jobs should you wish.
Transcribing – Typing out the file as best as possible – $0.45/page +/- the rating score (see our contract and the Editing stage below).
Editing – An experienced transcriber (promoted to editor strictly from within TFE) does a full audio edit of the transcriber’s work. The final document is always sent back to the transcriber to run a redline/compare to see what changes were made and a dialogue of feedback is encouraged so the transcriber can improve. Each assignment is also awarded a rating which affects the rates paid to the transcriber and editor (see the contract for more detail) – $0.45/page +/- the rating score.
Compiling – This person runs a macro on the document to ensure it is aligned correctly and changes all the shorthand IDs to the final IDs. The compiler also usually prepares the cover pages and index pages and changes any headers when necessary – $0.05-$0.10/page + $0.90 per cover/index/cert page. Please note only legal files pay a compiling rate.
Proofer – Does a final read through from start to bottom of the transcript – $0.28/page.
Everyone starts out as a fully audio-edited transcriber. However, extremely quickly you can/will find yourself promoted to either editor or what we call a self editor (SE) whereby you are both transcribing and editing your work. Ideally, you can complete all four of the steps yourself to produce truly client-ready work and earn up to $1.28/page.
Please note we provide macros and templates to aid the transcription process as well as other software to assist with things like automatic timestamping and the use of hotkeys if you prefer not to use a pedal.
We assign you work according to a daily quota which you put onto our team calendar, i.e. work when you want and however much you want. 99% of the time we have enough work to go around without any problem.
We do everything we can to make the life of the transcriber as good as it can be and we look forward to working with you.
Here are the files you will need to get you started:
Download/View the TFE Transcriber Agreement (optional for training, mandatory for paid work)
Download/Sign the TFE Confidentiality Agreement (send this to us to receive your testing packet)
I sincerely look forward to working together and securing your future at Transcription for Everyone.
Thank you kindly,
Ahuvah Taub
Chief of Recruitment, Billing and Payroll